The Encore Symphonic Concert Band was founded by the Toronto Musicians Association many decades ago to provide a venue for retired musicians to continue to practise their chosen profession and share their love of music with others. Over the years, We have morphed into a highly skilled and entertaining performing group dedicated to bringing the joy of music at minimal cost, to audiences who might otherwise not have the opportunity to enjoy it
Accordingly, we perform concerts on the first Thursday of every month in our resident venue (Trinity Presbyterian Church) for a nominal ticket price. We also conduct music seminars and performances at schools and Hospitals and seniors residences upon request (for a nominal break-even fee).
As you may imagine, these pursuits come with a cost. We have expenses for rehearsal space, music, a music director and a concert venue. Our members pay annual dues and those, along with the gate receipts from our monthly concerts and fees from school seminars covers the majority of our costs. However, we are still in need of financial support from donors who share our belief that our music is a valuable asset to the communities we serve.
If you would like to help us continue to fulfill our mission, any donation no matter how small would be much appreciated. We will issue tax receipts for donations over $20.00 and our heartfelt thanks for donations of any size.
. You can help by donating in the following methods:
Encorescb @ (no spaces)
(For donations over $20, we will gladly send you a tax receipt by post. Please include your name and address/email address for the tax receipt. )
2. For an alternative method, such as cheques, please write to our treasurer, Patricia Beck, at the above email address, to arrange for a transfer of your fund.